Fine Beautiful Chem 12 Data Booklet

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Chem 12 data booklet. 6 Typical proton 1H chemical shift values δ relative to TMS 0 12 7 Typical carbon 13C chemical shift values δ relative to TMS 0 13 8 Characteristic infra. Data Booklet Work done in this booklet will not be marked. Data Booklet Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level in Chemistry 9701.
Chem 12 data booklet. 4 Units Volumes are given in the units of litres L or millilitres mL Temperatures are given in the units of degrees Celsius C or kelvin K It may be assumed that 00 C 27315 K Energy changes are given in kilojoules kJ Pressures are given in kilopascals kPa Solution concentrations are given in the units moles per litre mol L-1 grams per litre g L-1 or parts per million ppm. This booklet cannot be used for paper 1 of the examination SLP1 and HLP1 but the periodic table given in section 6 will be available as part of these examination papers.
This booklet cannot be used for paper 1 of the examination SLP1 and HLP1 but the periodic table given in section 6 will be available as part of these examination papers. 9729 CHEMISTRY GCE ADVANCED LEVEL H2 SYLLABUS 2020 41 1 Important values constants and standards molar gas constant R 831 J K1 mol1 the Faraday constant F 965 10 4 C mol 1 the Avogadro constant L 602 10 23 mol 1 the Planck constant h 663 10 34 J s speed of light in a vacuum c 300 10 8 m s 1 rest mass of proton 1 1H m. Chemistry Data Booklet Higher and Advanced Higher For use in National Qualification Courses Publication date.
2 Chemistry Notation Symbol Term Units c specific heat capacity JgC or JgK E standard electrical potential V or JC E k kinetic energy kJ E p potential energy kJ H enthalpy heat kJ fH standard molar enthalpy of formation kJmol I current A or Cs K c equilibrium constant K a acid ionization dissociation constant K b base ionization dissociation constant. Page 3 of 16. Answers are found in the Kinetics Notes Key below.
Clean copies of this booklet must be made available to candidates for papers 2 and 3 SLP2 HLP2 SLP3 and HLP3. Chemistry 12 Data Page 1 9 227 Actinium Ac Yttrium Values in parentheses are the masses of. Not stable in aqueous solutions.
Chemistry 12 Data Booklet. Clean copies of this booklet must be made available to candidates for papers 2 and 3 SLP2 HLP2 SLP3 and HLP3. View Chem 12 - Data Bookletpdf from PHYSICS 12 at Fraser Heights Secondary.